What can Pilates do for you?
- Spinal pain management and prevention.
- Post-surgery or traumatic injury rehabilitation
- Osteoporosis and arthritis management
- Balance retraining
- Chronic Pain
- Sports related strength conditioning and injury prevention
- Hypermobility disorder
- Create and strengthen stamina and endurance
class offerings
Schedule you class to reserve your reformer
This all-levels class is the perfect break from your day. The goal of this class is to recharge and slow down, helping you to release stress while gaining balance and flexibility
Jump Interval
Utiizing a jump board on the Pilates Reformer, in addition to props, will provide a sweat inducing cardio workout
Reformer 1
This class will challenge with aa contemporary approach to the classical Pilates method. Find your love-hate relationship with the spring resistance and discover muscles you might not have known you had.
Reformer 2
Expanding on the Pilates Reformer 1 class, this class will take your training to a higher level, challenging your balance, flexibility and core strength.
A total body workout using the progressive resistance of springs on the Pilates Reformer
Yoga Class
Hatha Yoga classes that are gentle yet energize the body and soul
Class Pricing
- All class packages expire in two (2) months with exception of the promotion package which expires in one (1) month and is one-per-customer offering.
- Saturday trial classes and drop in classes expire on the day of the class.
- Unlimited class package (includes both Pilates and Yoga) is per month.
- No contracts, monthly memberships or auto renewals.
Private classes are now available. Please contact the studio for more information.
Pilates Class Pricing:
Saturday Trial class $10
Drop In $27
8 Class Package $189
12 Class Package $259
16 Class Package $299
Unlimited Monthly (Includes Pilates and Yoga) $190
6-Yoga Class Pricing:
Drop In $15
4 Class Package $60
8 Class Package $112
10 Class Package $129
Unlimited Monthly (Includes Pilates and Yoga) $190
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